About the Website
The original NWKFHS website was a joint venture by a number of Society members. The content was mapped out in early 1997 by Peter Searle, David Cufley (formerly Society chairman), and webmaster Stephen Archer. It was formally launched in March 1998, and our own domain name was acquired in October 2001.
That first site eventually contained about 1,537 pages, of which 446 comprised the Parish Gazetteer, and around 1,000 pages covered the searchable data. There were about 40 'static' pages which were edited manually. All the other pages (Gazetteer, Publications, Members' Interests, Journal Contents, Searchable Data) were generated automatically from various databases.
In June-September 2005 the website was extensively revamped to use CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) on all pages. The revamped site was relaunched in February 2006.
In 2006 the Society entered and won the Website Award competition run by the Federation of Family History Societies. See further down this page.
The Parish Gazetteer church photos were mainly taken by Steve Archer since 1997, with a few (1989-90) from earlier trips. They were scanned and cleaned up by Tony Field (sadly no longer with us).
A decision during the early part of 2016 was made for the Society to have a ‘new’ website based upon one of a number of possible Content Management Systems (C.M.S.) to refresh the appearance and to enable various Society members more easily to contribute content to the website.
A web design company was engaged and the task of mapping out the structure and reviewing content was undertaken.
This new website has been built using the JOOMLA! C.M.S. and every page has been built from the ground up. All original content had to be reconfigured by the NWKFHS ‘Web Team’ before it could appear on this site. Whilst this has taken an inordinate amount of time to undertake, we believe it has been worth the effort in the long term.
FFHS Website Award 2006
In 2006 the Society entered the annual competition for the best family history website, run by the Federation of Family History Societies and sponsored by Family Tree Magazine (ABM Publishing Ltd).

We were fortunate enough to win First Prize, which included a cheque for £100. The award was made on 2nd September at the FFHS Autumn Conference in Northampton.
Joyce Hoad, Vice-President of NWKent FHS (left) receives the award and cheque from Sue Fearn, Editorial Manager of Family Tree Magazine