House Group Meetings
Housegroups - groups in the following areas have vacancies for additional members:
- Bromley
- Shortlands
- Sidcup
In addition to the monthly Society Meetings, there are also House Group Meetings, where members meet together in small groups in their own homes to help each other with family history problems, undertake project work and make new friends.
All NWKFHS members interested in furthering their family history research are welcome to attend. Bring along your genealogy problems and the group will endeavour to solve them. House groups are also an opportunity to meet with other family history researchers and share your experiences.
A few groups concentrate on projects requiring experienced research. Any member can apply to join a House Group, but numbers are necessarily limited.
Some of our house groups have been running for years. By necessity they have to be small enough to meet in the host’s home so some groups cannot welcome any additional members.
Would you like to start a housegroup? They are a friendly and relaxed way of discussing family history with your fellow NWKFHS members. The size of the group would depend on how many you could accommodate comfortably for a couple of hours, during the day or evening, whichever you prefer. Housegroups are usually once or maybe twice a month. All you would need to do is provide is a cup of tea and a warm welcome. Housegroups could even rotate informally with the members taking turns to host.
Full details of all Society services and activities are also in the quarterly journal.