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If you are a NWKFHS member, please login, if not, please join today.

Zoom Family History Discussion Group with Ann Clarke Today's Topic : Migration

Come and enjoy lively discussions on different aspects of Family History

Each meeting the topic is agreed by the members at the previous group meeting. It can range from ‘how do I do…?’ to: ‘sources for finding family information’. 

This morning the topic will be Migration, with a short presentation by David Cufley to disprove the myth that, until the bicycle was invented, most families did not travel more than 5 miles from their home parish.

There are at least six reasons for migration but perhaps we can find more.  A number of case studies will be presented and the sources that were the key to their discovery.

There will be an open discussion following the presentation which may bring to light an aspect of research you need to make on your next generation step.

Because this is an open discussion the subjects can lead to topics that the participants want to discuss or expand upon points raised during the session. 

The structure is very flexible. 

A members-only event.

Please log in from 10.15am and enjoy chatting amongst participants before the discussion starts.

Numbers are restricted to enable all participants to ask questions, share knowledge and engage with other members.

Please reserve a place with workshop.booking@nwkfhs.org.uk including the event, title and date together with your name and membership number.Leaders freely give their time, but a donation via the web shop is appreciated.  https://www.nwkfhs.org.uk/shop/nwkfhs-shop/services/society-donation

Event Information

Event Date 05-07-2023 10:30 am
Event End Date 05-07-2023 12:30 pm
Capacity 12
Individual Price Free but a donation via the web shop https://www.nwkfhs.org.uk/shop/nwkfhs-shop/services/society-donation or in person if at the library is appreciated.
Location Zoom online