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Zoom Talk: The Women's Land Army, the Cinderellas of the fields with Ian Everest

There were 80,000 land girls during WW2.  The land girls played a vital role, by boosting Britain’s food production through cultivating the land.  Lady Gertrude Denham also played a vital role in this operation.

They helped to provide home -grown food which was vitally needed because U Boats were destroying the merchant ships carrying imports of food and supplies.  Many of the men who worked on farms had been called up for the armed services.

Please log in from 7pm and enjoy an informal chat between attendees before the talk starts at 7.30pm

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Meeting ID: 279 952 4396  Passcode: 533032

Zoom Host: Pat Gooding

North West Kent FHS is a charity and membership fees and donations are an important part of our income.  So, if you are not a North West Kent FHS member, please consider making a donation via our web shop towards the cost of our Zoom licence and speaker's fee.

The Society hasn't been given permission to record this talk.

Event Information

Event Date 18-05-2023 7:30 pm
Event End Date 18-05-2023 9:00 pm
Capacity 100
Individual Price Free to members. Guests and visitors are asked to make a donation towards our Zoom licence and speaker's fee.
Location Zoom online