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Do you have a burning question?

There are moments when you have a burning question or you just want to share a family history fact. These can be voiced at any of the discussion groups held every Wednesday. The next session with an open agenda is the 'Lets talk family history' on the 27 September when any subject can be discussed.

Sometimes voicing a family history query the act of organising your thoughts and arranging the facts to express the problem can give you the answer you want. If not one of our members may have had the same query and can tell you how they solved it.

If it's the case of you having found a new family history fact then we would like to hear about it. It can then be shared with others and we all gain from it.

See you on the 27 September.

You can meet some of the people behind NWKFHS at the Really Useful Show on the 17-18 November 2023 www.fhf-reallyuseful.com

Ratcatchers zoom talk 11 October at 7.30 pm
What did your ancestors earn?

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