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If you are a NWKFHS member, please login, if not, please join today.


Royal Arsenal Woolwich introduction video

 The video produced for the Family History Federation Really Useful Show last November (2023) has now been put on our web site. There is a button link on the Royal Arsenal Woolwich page. https://www.nwkfhs.org.uk/resources/data-sets/royal-arsenal-woolwich North West Kent Family History Society includes the area that was the Royal Arsenal Woolw...

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Do you have a burning question?

There are moments when you have a burning question or you just want to share a family history fact. These can be voiced at any of the discussion groups held every Wednesday. The next session with an open agenda is the 'Lets talk family history' on the 27 September when any subject can be discussed. Sometimes voicing a family history query the act o...

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Really Useful Show 12 November

The volunteers enjoyed meeting and greeting the visitors to our booth in the Exhibition Hall of the Show. They will be available again from 10am to 6 pm on Saturday 13th November. So if you have a question on North West Kent FHS area of Kent come and talk to us. 

  1542 Hits

Free access to FHF Really Useful Show on Friday 12th November

Family History Federation's REALLY USEFUL Family History Show 12-13 November 2021 The Exhibition Hall is FREE to access on Friday night Lots of interesting Booths. Come and have a chat with NWKFHS There is something for everyone Just go to fhf-reallyuseful.com and join us on Friday from 6pm - 10pm Talk to a Family Hist...

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