mThe Really Useful Bulletin No 44 April 2024 has two interesting articles. The first a longer piece deals with illnesses cures and death of our ancestors. Written by Lady Teviot, one of the Federations Vice Presidents, has brought her experience in researching family history to focus on deaths and the causes of death as well as the legislation that...
The Latest RUBulletin has two articles and an offer that may help your family history research. The Family History Bookshop (FHB) has obtained big savings on four DNA tests done by FamilyTreeDNA. AtDNA the autosomal test Family Finder. YDNA 37 marker test for men. Family Finder plus the 37 marker YDNA test MtDNA the mitochondrial test to trace your...
The Latest RUBulletin has an article by Nick Barratt entitled 'Through the Mists of Time' which tells of the sources for searching your ancestors in pre 19th century England. Nick takes you through the English economy, the disadvantages of Latin, land and the manorial records and into local government. He shows what is online and availa...
The Really Useful Bulletine No 34 June 2023 has a fascinating article 'When the Saints go marching in' by Ian Waller on the Mormons and the emigration of their British Church members. Predominately the British and Scandinavians migrants were among the 65,000 early church members who travelled across America to finally settle in Salt Lake City. The ...
If you have not heard about the Family History Federations free 'Really Useful Bulletin' then take a look at the latest edition. Among the articles are two that you might find interesting. Most family historians will have used one of Jeremy Gibson's guides. Jeremy died on the 28th October 2022 and an appreciation by Colin Chapman one of ...